Community participation

  • Walking along the beach or park
  • Running errands, such as visiting the bank or post office
  • Lunch or coffee at a cafe
  • Going to the movies
  • Attending social or sporting groups

Maintain health and well-being

  • Attend doctor’s appointments.
  • Exercise
  • Assistance with implementing a healthy meal plan
  • Assistance with medication
  • Assistance in following plans given by health professionals, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, etc.

Assistance with daily living

  • Help with personal grooming such as brushing teeth and hair, showering, and toileting.
  • Assisting with getting dressed and tying shoes
  • Support in getting out and about
  • Catching public transport
  • Assistance with meal preparation
  • Assistance with eating meals

Achieve personal goals

  • Teaching, encouraging, prompting, and supporting to maintain independent living
  • Assistance in attending classes and developing skills

Assistance with household tasks

  • Help with domestic tasks such as washing dishes, washing clothes, and making beds.
  • Assisting with menu planning, meal preparation, and budgeting

Our friendly team is here to support you. 

Talk to us about finding a service that is designed just for your support needs.